Welcome to Civ IV Mods : Total Realism, a mod to make an expanded and more realistic modification to civ4, allowing for longer games, longer wars, and more intense gameplay with a bit higher difficulty and learning curve to properly manage and compete in the game. Emulate issues of a large empire, supply lines, and strategic needs of different units and types. Focus is on the following: 1) Game Balance, Unit Balance, tactical balance between all available Civs 2) Realism: Archers shall not destroy Tanks. More realistic warfare and strategically depth by using the advantages of your units to counter the enemy. 3) Fun: This is why we are here, right? ;)
- Houman, Nightraven, Mexico, Phatlip, Israfil
with support from
- 12Monkeys, PTFeilong
Read all about them in the changelog.
All the guys @ civ fanatics bouncing ideas back and forth :)
The team already credited above
The creators of the great mods that have been integrated into this one.
(Readmes for included mods can be found in the project's Documentation/Inclusions directory.)
Never mind, Rabbit White, Snafusmith, C.Roland, Ploeperpengel, Notarzt, Chalid, sharick, AlazkanAssassin, RogerBacon, Cafegio, ComG, baal_isidro, seZereth, Hunter, LittleRedPoint, heroes182, Expositus, Von Zeppelin, Robo Magic Man, nautil, tlucky4life, Mumin, krowtrobot, Zuul, Aranor, Hell's Angel, villo, Tremo, TheLopez, Snaitf, 12monkeys, Frontbrecher, Bhruic, SupremeOverlord, Stone-D, Thalassicus, Optimizer, Master Lexx, Mylon, Patricius, naf4ever, abbamouse, Sevo, Willowmound and TheFourGuardian
This mod is developed using tools from Sourceforge, and the main page, including bug-reporting, feature requests, and downloading can be found at the Civ IV Mods project site at SF.net. You can also find the Civ IV Mods project here.
Realism's forum is hosted by Civ Fanatics and the forum topic can be found at http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=173492.
This mod can be downloaded from the project's sourceforge download page. Release notes and change logs are available by clicking the notes link for the version you wish to examine.
The Total Realism 2.0 mod comes with an installer, which will install into your Civ4's Mod folder. You should delete any previous versions that did not include an installer. If you re-install using the installer over an existing version, the installer will remove the previous version first.
The installer will create two links on your desktop for automatically loading Civ IV with the mod.
- Sid Meier's Civilization IV, plus any pre-requisites for that game
1 Gigabyte of Ram minimum for large-map game play, 2 Gigabytes recommended 2 Ghz intel-compatible processor recommended
You may find the above recommendations become requirements if you wish to use the regiments sub-mod (see regiments details in the mod folder)
Civilization IV is not free software. It is the commercial intellectual property of Firaxis games, with all rights reserved. Total Realism is a derivative work with some original code that relies on Civilization IV to run properly. The specific license for Total Realism can be found in the LICENSE.txt file, but the short-version is that you must have a licensed legal copy of Civilzation IV in order to legally use Total Realism. It's a good game - surely you can fork out a bit of cash for a good game from good developers. Total Realism itself, however, is free. It is quasi-open-source, in that you can freely find the source code on sourceforge in the civ4mods project.
- If you had a previous version of this mod: Delete it!
- Old saved-games will not be compatible - restart your game.
- Read CHANGELOG.txt to see the changes to date.
- If you want to help out, PM Houman in CivFanatics Forum.
- Updates will be available through sourceforge.net
- Post any ideas or crticisms you have - we love to hear them all. No matter how small they are.